Followers of the newly published calendar (link to the left) may have noticed a recent two-day event, the 18th NNV/CPS Symposium. It’s a small conference run by the Dutch Physical Society (NVV) primarily as a forum for PhD students. I presented a poster (pdf file, 1.8MB) entitled Detection of Relativistic Electrons and Positrons in a Tokamak which won the ‘Best Poster’ prize. 😀 The prize was accompanied by the gift of two books, The Elegant Universe and The Fabric of the Cosmos both by Brian Greene.
Poster Accolade
5 responses to “Poster Accolade”
link doesnt work on geocities!
Congratulations! Always good to get free books!! All those hours at art in JPC were not wasted. The link didn’t work for me either….
Great stuff! So if you install in Summer, I suppose you can find the positrons later this year? Cool! And, Be careful not to break any fibres when installing them !!! (LOL)
Books were in Dutch or German?! J.
There was a fleeting moment as I received them–they were wrapped–when I thought they might be in Dutch. They wouldn’t have been in German since this was a Dutch meeting in the Netherlands. Fortunately for me, and as the links show, they were in English.
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