Category: Children

  • Micah’s Eighth

    We were fortunate to be able to have a number of members of extended family and friends join us for Micah’s eighth birthday. Traditionally, in our faith, eight is the age at which children are baptised — formally joining the faith — and thus, a significant event for them and family. Though we had moved further away from some family (but closer to others), with enough planning family — including Rochelle and her family, my parents, Martin and his family, as well as Elijah — were all able to converge for a few days to help celebrate both events.

    We held a loosely-based-on-Star-Wars brunch party for Micah’s birthday on the day itself, settling into a favourite spot in Balboa Park. The party itself was a more traditional Australian fare, with homemade food and games that Gaynor and I had enjoyed as children and that we had done at many of the other children’s earlier parties. Gaynor baked up cinnamon rolls (a-la Princess Leia’s iconic New Hope hair), fruit platter, lolly lightsabers on the cupcakes, and Jabba the Hutt meringues. Ariana and Bryna were great at taking the lead in running the games, including egg and spoons races, pass-the-parcel, lightsaber battles (half pool noodles were a great hit, literally), a water bomb fight, and a homemade Jedi training remote piñata.

    Bryna & Micah teach the American children at Micah’s 8th birthday party a traditional British/Australia children’s game of Pass the Parcel (parcel itself is mid-child, upper left).
    The children’s homemade lightsabers (blue-painted broom handles with a grip-wrapped & decorated end) were put to good use, beating the snot (or at least candy) out of a homemade Jedi training remote.

    The baptism itself was a week later with some local-ish and not-so-usually-local friends (Oliver and Vanessa!) joining us for the service. We try to have this as a seperate event from the birthday as it’s significant in it’s own right but also so that the out and out fun of a birthday bash doesn’t become convoluted with the more solemn but joyful time of the baptism.

    It’s always good spending time just hanging out, chatting with family, generally catching up, and being in each other’s lives again in a more immediate way but attending the LDS temple together draws out another important, spiritual aspect of our relationships. Having the San Diego Temple only twenty minutes drive (plus traffic!) from our home is a marked benefit to living here. Occasions such as these remind me how grateful I am for family and friends and all that they bring to my life!

    Some family members who made the trek for Micah’s baptism (& 8th birthday celebration) gather outside the LDS San Diego Temple.
  • Travels and Farewells with the Children

    Part of the deal of moving back to the US was that Gaynor — who I had to do a lot of negotiating with — would get to see her children at least once a year. For those that we brought with us, that was never going to be a problem. For those that had their own lives already running in Australia, it would be more of a challenge. Josh & Mara flew over to spend some time with us from Thanksgiving through to Gaynor’s birthday in mid-January. It coincided with end-of-academic year and summer holidays for them, so it worked out well. Apart from the usual sparkling banter, we enjoyed Thanksgiving dinner with some family on the same continent …

    The also now traditional Thanksgiving Day Dinner. Glad to be had with family!

    … played some cricket …

    We couldn’t find a nearby cricket field and so a little used baseball diamond with ‘natural’ wickets was the order of the day.
    Micah has a go while Ari is prepared in case he really connects with it. Josh tidies up behind the stumps.

    … enjoyed a tour of the Anza-Borrego Desert with friends …

    We tried to stand there and enjoy the grandeur of nature but just couldn’t stomach it for very long. We are shallow people.
    Just like the Mormon Battalion may have tried, everyone has a go at getting out vertically.

    … and spent time together at the beach.

    Unfortunately, all good things must come to an end, even daylight. Gaynor’s birthday wish was a bit of time together watching the sun set at the beach.
  • Christmas 2015

    Wishing all an enjoyable Christmas and a wonderful New Year. Also, this is how we regularly prepare dinner.
  • 2014 In Review / 2015 Ahead

    It’s been a long and productive year by most counts, excepting the impartial measurement of time. It’s sometimes instructive to look at the past year in preview and see what was then the future and how much of it came to pass. Though the future is notoriously difficult to predict, that should stop one from engaging in wild speculation from time to time.

    Gaynor continued with being on casual call for work at local schools, everything from helping with disabled children to watching children over lunchtime at the kindergarten to manning the front office. In addition to this, they asked her to take on the grunt work of a study into reading and comprehension effectiveness with a group of children. She really enjoyed it and made it her personal mission to make sure each child improved in some way, with some of the children quite resistant to her pedagogical charms. Nevertheless, she persisted and I would get the run down at the end of each day with small victories or setbacks. Gaynor also taught early morning seminary almost every school day of the year. Class was 6:40 – 7:30am with a sizeable amount of preparation needed for each lesson. Finally, Gaynor was also quite involved in the house extension, overseeing colours, some design, and lending a physical hand when seminary and work left her able to do so. For 2015, Gaynor still plans to be on call for casual work and depending on what that amounts too will give her time for other pursuits, such as enjoying and finishing her new extension.

    Joshua has been working on and improving his comedy career over the past while, including writing and producing a show with his partner in crime, Riley at the Canberra Comedy Festival as well as performing at the Melbourne Comedy Festival soon after. He also had his first headline gig at the Polit Bar as well as clocking over the big 21. 2015 likely promises the two festival shows as well as semi-regular gigs around Canberra.

    Elijah helped work on the house extension until he left for his missionary work in Hamilton, New Zealand in early July for two years. He was a great help — you’ll see him show up in quite a few house building pictures — but being in New Zealand is the right thing for him to be doing at this time. We’ll certainly miss him while he’s away.

    Mara turned down an offer of a place to study dance at the Victorian College of Art this year to work part-time and continue her dance studies with her current school with the aim of re-auditioning for the two programs she strongly prefers to participate in. VCA doesn’t offer enough ballet for Mara’s preference and both the Western Australian Academy of Performing Arts (WAAPA) and the Queensland University of Technology (QUT) courses are highly regarded. QUT is particularly appealing due to its association with Queensland Ballet and that both sets of grandparents are nearby. If all goes to schedule, she’ll be at one of them, commencing next year, for the three years of the Bachelors degree.

    Ariana has completed a fine year at high school, earning a number of awards for her studies. She’s a dedicated student as well as being involved in a number of extra curricular activities such as Tournament of the Minds, band, and debating. 2015 will see her commence Years 11 and 12 through the college system of the ACT. I’m encouraging her to undertake the International Baccalaureate Diploma so that it might be more easily transferrable if we end up moving again. More on that soon. She also continued on with her cricket and teaching herself the trumpet.

    Bryna also enjoyed her schooling very much during 2014, including being a part of the school leadership team. She takes part in pretty much every sport going. She won her cross country race, played touch footy and cricket for the school, and also enjoyed learning the fife, playing in a multi-school concert event. Next year she’ll move on to the flute and I don’t see her sporting endeavours diminishing any time soon.

    Micah has been going on in leaps and bounds with his reading and schooling in general. He’s learnt to share a room with Ariana alone after being in the large room with Elijah and Bryna as well. After Elijah’s departure and the completion of a new master bedroom, the trickle down effect meant there were only two left! Ari does a good job of helping him to learn the discipline of putting things away 🙂 He’s a sweet boy, always ready with a smile and a hug.

    Fenton had a couple of things on the go during this past year. Commencing and (pretty much) finishing the house extension was a sizeable one, as was being called as the Bishop of our local congregation at church in April. With the addition of mostly holding down a full-time job — with much thanks to his understanding and flexible colleagues and supervisors — it made for perhaps the busiest year of my life[1]. Of course, I couldn’t have made any of it work without so much help from all and sundry, including[2], but not limited to, Geoff and Margaret, José, Mischa, and Steve among many.

    [1] Previous title holder was mid 1995 – mid 1996, which I won’t bore you with details about now.
    [2] excluding immediate family, most of whom have been previously mentioned.

  • 2013 In Review

    Just a quick review of what has been this past year, covering events that didn’t make the blog for one reason or another. I’ll post again early next year about what lays ahead. As seems to be typical for our family, we’ve tried to fit in the maximum amount allowable.

    Gaynor has taken up casual, part-time work assisting at local primary (elementary/Grundschule) schools, primarily with high needs students. She’s always had a strong interest in, and love of, education and she quickly develops a relationship with whoever she is working. Balancing home life and work — which is on an as-needed, usually-called-the-day-before-or-morning-of basis — has been helped by Joshua’s flexible schedule and efforts around the house and with his younger siblings.

    In addition, she has toughed out the better part of the year without a proper oven in her kitchen. Since the kitchen was about to be ripped out soon (and still is) a new oven didn’t make much sense, nor did spending money repairing the old one. Cooking hot cross Easter buns at her sister’s and birthday cakes at her friend’s meant she still fulfilled her minimum obligations.

    Joshua is working on his comedy — (obligatory plug) upcoming show Josh Glass and Riley Bell – Bicycle Thieves, 6 March, 9:30pm at the Canberra Comedy Festival — with a number of recent paid gigs in various locations. He has also been keeping his parents happy by squeezing in his first year of full-time study of a Bachelor of Writing. In addition, as noted above, he’s been very valuable in his help around the house this past year.

    Elijah just completed a year-ish long contract as a public servant, specialising in office duties and over-the-phone work. Primarily, the job has allowed him to save a large chunk of money but I think it has also helped him narrow his focus on what he would like to do for a career. Highlights of the job included many a lunch hour playing a variety of inter-office sports. Nevertheless, he’s grateful to the friend who helped him secure the position. He also spent some of 2013 learning more about cars and how to fix them up. Nothing like a inheriting a friend’s discarded car, having it fail a vehicle road worthiness check, buying an even more discarded same-model and swapping parts until it passes said check to bring your working knowledge of cars up to speed (pun intended). This hobby was made easier by the availability of Dad’s tools, knowledge, very occasional strong arm and a perfectly serviceable car he’d purchased earlier in the year.

    Mara had a busy year by many standards; completing Year 12, three ballet exams — Advanced 1 (June), Grade 8 (August), and Advanced 2 (October), three auditions for places at university, and having a starring role in the end-of-year production of her ballet school. She played the Wicked Witch in an adaptation of The Wizard of Oz and, since the role came so naturally to her, had to do a bit of work with the young children who were initially scared of her. It didn’t take long for them to love her though 🙂

    ‘Ariana did absolutely nothing’ was what she said when I asked what she did last year. In reality, she finished her first year of early morning seminary, Year 9 at high school, took up cricket (played in a schools tournament and committed to training with the ACT squad) and trumpet (a birthday gift, at her request) and continued with saxophone and piano. To round out her shotgun approach to activities she also tried her hand briefly at fencing and badminton (though not at the same time).

    Bryna enjoyed a lot of sporting adventures this year at school — cross country, cricket as well and learning an Aboriginal game, buroinjin. She also enjoyed a good year academically as well as continuing with piano and fife. She played a Flying Monkey in the end-of-year ballet school production, enjoying being on stage with her big/wicked sister.

    Micah finished pre-school with a lovely report that mentioned how well he got along with the other children. He is very good verbally and, together with his lovely temperament, this means he is usually a moderating influence on his peers, occasionally acting as a mediator when needed. He’s also shown a keen interest in learning mathematics, reading and writing. Fortunately for him his older siblings are happy to pass on their acquired knowledge — he’s never really short of someone to play or spend time with.

    Fenton pretty much did the usual during the year; busy with church-related responsibilities, kept the cars and motorcycle running, marked my half-life day, and finished the house extension plans enough to receive approval from the local government to build it. Oh, also tried to fit in a full-time job in there somewhere.

    Next post … what’s coming up in 2014!

  • Mara Graduates

    Number Three in as many years. Nine-school-veteran Mara and Gaynor just before her college (high school) graduation ceremony.

    And for Mara this year, three is the number of the ballet exams, the auditions and the times she cleaned her room. A busy year indeed. Well done Miss Mara.

  • Heroes at Five

    Micah recently celebrated his fifth birthday in fine five-year-old-boy fashion by organising a bunch of close friends to dress-up as their favourite superheroes and run around the park. A few regular heroes organised a bit of food, some semi-structured games and a good time was had by all.

    Heroes in the Park
    Super Micah and his friend Iron Man (a.k.a. Tom) roam the park looking for people to save or things to blow up (basically the same thing).

    Even Heroes Eat
    A break in festivities to refuel. Even Captain Suprised needs something.

    Determined Fruit
    With a bite like that, the fruit does its best to stay out of the way.

    Later, at home with some fire to extinguish, Micah dressed as a pirate (as you do) and did the honours. So glad to have this happy boy in our lives.

    Captain Hornblower?
    Micah showing great form on the inhale …

    Captian Hornblower?
    … and blows as hard as a scrunched up nose will allow. (The nose-blowing method suggested by a sibling who really shouldn’t be offering that kind of advice.)
  • 2013 Ahead

    Busy times in our family this coming year. Though we usually have a (more than a) few things going on, this year is shaping up to have quite the slew of notable events. So, from the top of the tree …

    Gaynor is now officially looking for part-time work. A bit more income has been on the agenda for a while and, after a brief fruitless search early last year, she focussed on writing her first cookbook and getting some more recent experience that she could use. Subsequently, she spent a few times a week throughout the year at Bryna’s school helping a few students with remedial reading. With Micah starting pre-school (more on that below), Gaynor is in a better position to enter paid employment and she is hoping to pick up casual teacher-assistant work a few days a week. She has just accepted the position of teaching seminary (an early-morning scripture study class) with about a dozen students. Somewhat conveniently, it’ll be held in our home, starting this Tuesday with class commencing at 6:40am.

    Joshua has been accepted to university, studying for a Bachelor of Writing. He took some time last year to write for himself and evidently enjoyed it enough to want to continue with more formal studies. Work during December and January gave him some funds, from which he has purchased a laptop that he hopes will see him through the degree. Classes begin on Tuesday.

    As avid readers would recall,Elijah graduated last year and picked up the same work as Joshua during December and January. He’s had his contract extended and so is now in an excellent position to build up a good pile of money (which he’ll be sleeping on in the shed if he doesn’t keep his room tidier). Though he also received an offer of a university place, for the Bachelor of Design, he’s declined in favour of working to save for the missionary work he is planning to undertake later this year. Currently, he expects to take up the design studies upon his return.

    Per year of age, Mara might have the most going on in 2013. She’ll be studying for her final year of college/high school, undertaking two ballet exams — May and August — and auditioning for dance programs she hopes to enter next year. Usually it is one exam per year but, since she is an academic year ahead of her age-peers, she needs to cover both. This is also her last year of early-morning seminary. Next year should be interesting for her as well and this might well be her last at home for a while.

    Ariana is still enjoying her high school studies and is looking forward to continuing them this year. In addition to her saxophone playing in the school band, she’ll be busy at church being president of her young women’s group (12 – 13 year olds) and is keen to start seminary. Both Ari and Mara will only have to go as far as the lounge room for this class.

    As for Bryna, well she’ll be continuing with her ballet and schooling, both of which she thoroughly enjoys. She’s at a lovely, uncomplicated age.

    Micah put an apple in his new pre-school lunchbox just after Christmas and for the past week has been bouncing around the house reminding everyone that he’ll be going. Two full days every week and three every other week is the schedule. He went up last Friday with Gaynor to meet the pre-school teacher and have a look around. He seemed very much at home and it only increased his desire to get there.

    Happy to be Going

    Happy to be Going

    Finally, apart from my full-time job and church responsibilities, I’m finishing up the design and paperwork for the house extension, which we hope to complete in the next few months. Then it’s just the regular things like fixing the cars and motorcycle, making sure I have a job next year, raising the children and keeping out of trouble. Barring the last, they’ve been working out pretty well so far.

  • Micah and Multiplication

    Leave it to Gaynor to teach Micah multiplication using food. Every time he now sees peanuts or chocolate chips he asks to do his ‘times’.
  • Puzzle Time

    Everyone loves ‘The Laughing Cavalier’ by Frans Hals, the well known Dutch painter. He also did ‘Rarnaby Budge’.