While Good Friday is currently sacrosanct as a holiday in Australia and Germany — indeed in many other countries that we’ve never experienced it in — that’s not the case in the U.S. At least, not in California. I’m told some other states do have it as a holiday but, well we don’t live there. So as such, Elijah, Mara, Ariana and Bryna all had school that day, while Joshua is currently on spring break. Well, not so much of a break as an exaggerated bend — it’s merely a week off. Unlike many other general populace workers though, it was a company holiday for me. Not sure why exactly but it’s good just the same. 🙂
So we had to be on our toes in order to continue one of our Easter traditions — freshly baked hot cross buns on Good Friday. When I say ‘we’ I really mean ‘Gaynor’. She was up early and had the buns baked in time for us to enjoy a good couple before dropping Ariana and Mara at school. Usually they catch the bus but driving them myself gave us just that bit of extra time.
Of course, the traditional condiment to accompany these delectable delights is nothing less than slatherings of butter. There are some things we are glad we have taken the time to carry on. 🙂
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