Well our time in Germany is quickly coming to a close. Here us a brief update on our recent activities and a couple of those coming up.
We finished up in our house, and I at work, at the end of July. The idea then was to go, as the Germans say, ‘on tour’ visiting friends, relatives and having a relaxing camping holiday until the time came to depart this country. That was the plan anyway and we managed it — mostly. It was altered in large part due to an extremely unreasonable landlady and, in smaller part, the camping being less than relaxing for the whole family. I shan’t go into details regarding the landlady but, concerning the camping, our imminent departure meant that we were reluctant to invest in much more reasonably essential camping equipment so soon before shifting continents. In the end we decided to cut the camping short and take up one of the many, very generous offers to stay at a friend’s house. We have had a lovely time visiting with a number of the good friends we have made since we’ve been here and will miss them all terribly.
We had our interviews with the US Consulate in Frankfurt last week and they indicated all seemed OK and we should have the visas this week. π
So this week we are staying at a friend’s house while they are on their own holiday. We’ll be doing a lot of organising for matters in the US and hopefully trying to get a bit of relaxation in (always hopeful!). We have plane tickets booked for a flight on the 27th of August and so having the visas arrive before then is a good thing. We have friends who’ll help us to get to the airport and I’ll also be trying to sell our car during the week. Couple of things left to do and then all we need to do is set up again in the US. π
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