Since we’ve had such fun doing this blog, we thought it would be a good idea to write up a few significant events that happened prior to starting the blog. I’ve already posted a couple (PhD graduation and Karneval!) but others will also include happenings during our brief transit time in Brisbane (Christmas 04 to early Feb 05) before we moved to Germany.
Update 14 April: Mara has just posted about our trip to Dreamworld.
The website hosting this blog allows you to set the time and date of the post and so we will date the entries around the time they occured, so it should appear chronological and seamless. Thus if you can’t seem to get enough of what we have been doing, feel free to check back in the archives!
Unfortunately, backposts do not appear in the Atom newsfeed for the blog. If you aren’t clear on what an Atom newsfeed is (correct answer is: alternate format to RSS) look here (if you don’t know what RSS is, look here). The Atom article also includes links to some newsreader software but doesn’t include Mozilla Thunderbird which I use and which handles both RSS and Atom feeds. There is even a Windows version!
I find RSS and Atom very convenient for getting a nice sampling of news items from sources and on subjects I prefer. The ABC does them, as does Slashdot and a host of others. The link for the feed of this blog is found on the left under Links or just put this URI into your newsreader. Anyway, here endth the lesson.
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