Author: Fenton

  • Expecting the Sixth

    We are pleased to announce the expected arrival in mid-July of our sixth child. We are all quite excited, the children especially. Bryna, in particular, is thrilled to become a ‘big sister’ Gaynor traditionally has relatively easy pregnancies and this one is about as well as could be expected for the sixth.

    It has been an introduction faster than we would have liked to the US medical system. Gaynor spent some time researching the procedures and attitudes of local hospitals and, unfortunately, found them not in-line with her own. Mostly, they take an ‘I am in charge and you are merely the patient’ approach, including insisting on monitors, drips and bed confinement. In addition, the two local hospitals only have a limited number of beds where they allow ‘rooming in’, where the baby stays with the mother. Hospitals further afield are more, in our view at least, enlightened but given the unpredictability of arrival time we’d rather not be attempting to get to one an hour away (and longer if the traffic is heavy). She’s therefore engaged a local mid-wife, a profession seemingly not as widespread here in the US as in Australia or Europe. She’ll be doing most of Gaynor’s antenatal care as well as being there for the actual delivery, which we plan to be a home birth.

    Given the results of a recent ultrasound examination, we have a much greater suspicion of the gender of this one than with any of the others — the first definitive sign being at their birth. It’s always been a deliberate choice on our part — what can I say? We like to have some surprises in our life — but this time Gaynor peeked and he wasn’t being, shall we say, discreet.

  • Thanks Giving

    Ok… I know Thanksgiving was a while ago, but it was fun so I’m going to write about it.
    So as you might or might not know we went to San Jose for Thanksgiving which is not far from San Fransisco (about 50 miles or 1 hr). So there is a reason we went there and the reason is a couple of friends we knew from Germany live there. So the drive up there was long about 6 hours. So we get there at 2 am, some might think that is a bit early but really we are morning people. So after waking up our friends and get inside we settle down for another good 5 hours sleep before Ari wakes us all up we had a nice cooked breakfast and it is now Thanksgiving day. We hanged around for a couple of hours before we got too hungry and set off for her sister (his sister in law). They had a semi manchen on a hill not too far away. As you could think their house was big and there were a lot of people visiting from all around the states. They conveniently had a lot of food. We waited around playing pool and other various games while the food finished being prepared. Eating the food was even better than watching it being prepared. The food was good, there was a traditional turkey and a lot more. We played a bit more and nibbled on some food while we waited for the dessert. Finally the desert came there were various desserts such as pecan pie and ice cream. After that we left before the washing up. The next day we went to San Fransisco with our friends and there we met more friends we knew from Australia. We walked across the Golden Gate Bridge. We walked around and found a nice place for lunch. After eating lunch we went to this famous street called : DUNNO We ended up not going all the way up because there was such a long line. After that we split up Dad and I went to the car show and the others wen t o see the fortune cookie factory. The car show was great lots of great cars. And really I don’t know much about what went on at the factory. The ones that went to the cookie factory didn’t take that long. So went home directly after that. Dad and I stayed at the auto show till about 8pm. We got some take-away on the way home and got home about 8.30. On Saturday we went to big basin Red Wood National Park.
    It wasn’t that far away. The trees there were really big and wide. We walked a trail there and went home to finish packing before we leave that evening. We ended up leaving at about 6 pm. And
    so we drove and drove and drove, till we got home. And that was the trip to San Jose

  • Disneymania

    It’s me again, Joshua. Now I’m here to tell you about a piece of plastic that will give us annual entry to one of California’s most famous landmarks and theme parks Disneyland and Disney’s California Adventure. We were always hoping that Dad actually meant it when he said “We will probably get Disneyland passes because we will be moving right near it.” After we got here Dad started to look into prices for annual passes. We forgot about it for a while until school holidays came around and dad started looking at buying some. But in the first week of the holidays Mara went to Knotts Berry Farm.Which as you can see is a very cool theme park with very intense rides. Mara thought that Disneyland was for little kids and would not have any cool rides. Dad then showed her the Disneyland website, Mara thought that it would still be boring. She then went about convincing mum and dad that we would find Knott’s Berry Farm a lot more fun. Eventually Dad gets the e-tickets printed and we organize to go to Disneyland on the 8th of November after a 40 minute car ride we get to Disneyland we pay for parking and catch the tram to the front entrance we show the entrance clerk our e-tickets and to the bank of Disneyland to get our annual passes. We then found a Disneyland replica of a very old car that would take us up to the princess castle. Bryna who had just got her head cut open was breathless she was just pointing at the castle and saying “there lives Cindergrilla”. WE walked through the castle and went on the merry-go-round (which Bryna thoroughly enjoyed) We then went to the all famous teacup ride yay w00t!! (it’s over rated). We walked around for a while until we found a ride where there wasn’t much of a cue. We decided on MATAHORN MOUNTAIN dadadada. which is very fun but you get of with a rather sore bottom and after the second time with a verry rather sore bottom. Mum decided to take us on the Disneyland Railroad so we could see the rest of Disneyland the railroad was pretty cool we went through Splash Mountain and the Grand Canyon. When we arrived back at the station it was time for Princess Story Reading which Bryna loved and listened to every word that Sleeping Beauty said. Ten it was time for lunch, so we went down to Toon Town to eat a bagels. They had cheese on them they were a bit tough, but we managed them. We next went on the Toon Town Roller Coaster, the GO COASTER, it went round and round. We went on several other rides in Toon Town. After some fun in Toon Town we went to California adventure park, Where we first went on the G.R.R. (Grizzly Rapid Run). Luckily we didn’t get too wet, but we had some fun laughing at other who did. Next it was nime for the “BIG BOY RIDES”. The first of the “BIG BOY RIDES” was the Golden Zeffer, a bunch of space ships flying in a circle (they were not really flying they were on poles). Then we had fun, I mean “FUN” on the Malholland Madness ( or what ever it is called). Sun wheel was kinda hot ….. bum bum bum. (if you know what I mean, there were two different gondolas, swinging or not swinging, Ari being Ari……….FREAKED OUT ……. Bryna of course being tough as she is went in the normal gondola and DIDN’T freak out. Next we wanted some fun, so while Bryna , Mum , and Ari went on the Merry-Go-Round, which Bryna throughly enjoyed, The BIG boys and girl, went on the ……………. rollers coaster, CALIFORNIA SCREAMIN’. That was soooooooooooo cool ot had a loop dips hills and all at 90 kmh. (Mara said she had been on better).
    That concludes our first visit to Disneyland.

  • Happy 60th Margaret

    Unfortunately, Gaynor was unable to make the big shindig of her mother’s 60th birthday. In lieu of her personal appearance we made a video to be shown at the party. Since it features us prominently, I thought it might be nice to make it available to all. So congratulations again Margaret and all our love.

    At YouTube

  • Persistent Goods Track Down Owners

    After failing to take the previous hint, our household goods have finally tracked us down all the way from Germany. In our initial plans they were to have joined us only a few weeks after we ourselves had arrived. However, famed German customer service, a missed boat and US Customs and importing procedures conspired to delay our reuniting. In total, 5 months and 11 days, beating their previous record by over a month.

    It’s good to have many more familiar items around us — it’s really been a second Christmas full of box openings and forgotten surprises. Now we just have to find somewhere to put them all.

  • Christmas Plans 2007

    Since the weather has been so good to us in southern California, we’ve decided to remind ourselves what a northern hemisphere winter should be and enjoy Christmas in Utah. Coincidentally, I have two brothers living there as well as and so it’s a win-win situation — though, not for them obviously. One minor drawback to this plan is that our household goods, including virtually all our winter clothing, we shipped from Germany in July will not be available through US Customs until after Christmas. It’s a sad story of neglect and delays but the short of it is we’ve managed to borrow enough warm clothes for the week we’ll be in Utah. Hopefully a post on the trip in a week or so.

    In the meantime, we wish all our friends and family, near and far, a joyful Christmas.

    Christmas Greetings 2007

  • Commutin’ Scooter

    Having decided to rent a house a bit further away from my place of work than we’d ideally like, a second vehicle was on the cards. Given the high price of petrol (*snigger*) — actually I mostly just believe in having sufficient for my needs — I thought a scooter would be the ticket. Since the freeways I take have a tendency to clog quickly and often, having a smaller vehicle than can go slip through is a great boon. Though one must ride very defensively, lane sharing, as it’s known here, is considered acceptable behaviour. In addition to lane sharing, motorcycles are also permitted to use the car pool lane and this helps reduce the danger to me and the time to ride.

    I picked up the new bike for what I think was a very good price. The guy threw in a jacket, two helmets (one of them a child’s), a bag for the seat, a pair of gloves and a service manual, confirming to me that he was in fact going ‘cold turkey’ on bike riding. The bike is a 1988 model and had only 9300 miles on it. Basically, it was owned consecutively by two older guys who rode it a couple of times a month and then brought it home to polish it. I’ve already let the bike know that she won’t be getting that sort of treatment from me.

    As one bike-course instructor told me, “A commute doesn’t get much sweeter than a southern Californian highway on a motorcycle.” I think I’m tending to agree.

    Oh, and if you don’t think this is a scooter, you should see the ones that ride past me!

  • Book Explosion

    Since we shifted to the new house which until very recently contained no television set, there has been a veritable explosion of reading by the children. Part of this has been the discovery of a very decent town library and not so much to distract them. Our children really do love to read, though sometimes television helps them forget it. So here is a list, supplied by each child, of what they have read recently.


    • Stormbreaker, Point Blank, Scorpia and The Raven’s Gate by Anthony Horowitz
    • Series of Unfortunate Events, Nos 1-8 by Lemony Snicket
    • Black Duck
    • By the Monkey’s Tail
    • Small Steps by Louis Sachaf


    • Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azskaban and Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire by J. K. Rowling
    • Rowan of Rin by Emily Rodda


    • Into the Wild by Sara Beth Durst
    • By the Monkey’s Tail by Kerrie O’Connor
    • Dexter the Tough
    • Series of Unfortunate Events, Nos 1-8 by Lemony Snicket
    • The Unseen, Spyhole Secrets and The Magic Nation Thing by Zilpha Keatley Snyder
    • Junie B. Jones, First Grade (At Last)
    • Inky the Indigo Fairy
    • The Lake of Tears by Emily Rodda


    • Inky the Indigo Fairy
    • The Lake of Tears by Emily Rodda
    • Junie B. Jones


    • Clifford Saves the Day and various other Clifford books.
    • Barbar’s Birthday
    • A couple of Clarice Beans
    • A couple of Charlie and Lolas
  • Fire Safety

    Thanks to all those who have called or emailed in the past few days to check on our family’s welfare amid the recent southern Californian fires.

    For those who didn’t know (or care), we are all fine. There is no real imminent
    threat to our home but we stay informed, just in case. However, my work was closed on Monday and Tuesday (22nd and 23rd Oct). It took me two hours on Monday to get there and then 45 minutes later they said we should go home! Only an hour to get home, riding into the fierce Santa Ana wind. By Tuesday afternoon the fire closest to work had made it to the car park of the building across the street. Fortunately, it was contained there with our car park now somewhat ash covered.

    It is extremely dry around here so bush(brush/wild)fires are always a constant concern — well, except immediately after the fire I guess. Being Australian, fires are nothing new to us. You learn to respect them and how to take precautions. On the other, we have little experience with earthquakes …

  • We have a car !!! <(-_-)>

    We now have a car we bought it a couple of days ago it’s not an American car no not even from Europe no it’s from Japan we got a Honda. Yes you heard me right a honda. Why we didn’t get a German car I don’t know. I would have liked one. Well we got a Honda “Odisey” Well i think that’s how you spell it. It was fairly well priced and it was big enough although it isn’t that big but it will do!!! =) It’s a nice car and in great condition. So the weather is great here. And there is a house in “Mission Viejo” that would suite us great. CYA
    I’ll write again soon at lest someone will