• Christmas 2009

    I know it is a little late but here is a short photo essay from Christmas 2009. Since we were able to head to Utah to celebrate wit Stacie and Martin, Donovan kindly offered to let us come down to his place at Newport Beach and cook him a fabulous meal. He graciously provided the live lobsters — fresh that morning — and Gaynor did the rest.

    Lobster, citrus-marinated chicken, honey-soy chicken, sausages, garden and ambrosia salads.

    The company was pretty good too and with the sun out it was almost like back home.

    Ariana made all the tie-dyed shirts for presents this year.

    What is is about Elijah that invites a good laugh?

  • Christmas Plans 2009

    The original idea had been to go to Utah to spend it with Martin, Stacie and offspring but a heavy schedule at work means that it really isn’t do-able in the current situation πŸ™ We invited them to come spend it with us but Martin is more or less in the same situation. πŸ™ Lousy US work-freak culture. News flash: World doesn’t go to hell in a hand basket if you have more than 10 days holiday a year.

    Anyway, at least I have a back-up brother nearby — sorry Donovan, you know you are really further up my speed dial than Martin anyway. πŸ™‚ So we’ll do our usual fried ham, pineapple and eggs breakfast with the Christmas story and present openings and then we’ll head down to the beach where Donovan has his hangout. A barbecue and beach on Christmas Day should almost convince us we are back in Australia. And while the weather might not be quite the same, chances are it’ll be closer than Utah. Stay warm Mart and Stacie and we’ll see you in April!

  • On How We Connect Today

    If an average person on the subway turns to you, like an ancient mariner, and starts telling you her tale, you turn away or nod and hope she stops, not just because you fear she might be crazy. If she tells her tale on camera, you might listen. Watching strangers on television, even responding to them from a studio audience, we’re disengaged — voyeurs collaborating with exhibitionists in rituals of sham community. Never have so many known so much about people for whom they cared so little.

    β€” Wendy Kaminer commenting on testimonial television in I’m Dysfunctional, You’re Dysfunctional (1992).

  • Birthdays Abound

    It’s that time of year when our main batch of birthdays are coming to a close. Mara’s 13th (19th of last month), Bryna’s 6th (30th), Joshua’s 16th (9th of this month) and mine (19th of this month) always seem to come thick and fast every year. Bryna’s and Joshua’s have warranted parties this year but just small family gatherings for Mara and myself. The birthday person always gets to pick the menu for the family dinner and it gives Gaynor a chance to justify some good time in the kitchen. Of course, the results are never disappointing. Mara went with lasagna, Bryna had shepherd’s pie, Joshua chose chili and this evening I’ll be enjoying cannelloni — one variety, walnut and ricotta cheese and the other, pork mince with Italian herbs — followed by an orange-infused butter cake with chocolate ganache. Hey I didn’t make the menu, I just have to live with the consequences πŸ™‚

    The whole family make it into the shot as Mara hits the teens.

    The girls ham it up for the camera at Bryna’s 6th birthday party.

    The family (plus a ring-in, can you tell which one?) at Bryna’s birthday dinner.

    Joshua’s party is this Saturday, with about a dozen friends coming to help celebrate with movies, games and tacos. There might be a blog post about it but more than likely one of the children will put something up on Facebook. Good times!

  • Wonderful Australia by Bryna Glass

    There are many wonderful things about Australia. I like Australia because it has kangaroos. I like kangaroos because it can jump fast and far. I like Australia because it has koalas. I like koalas because they sleep a long time like my sister[1]. I like going to the beach. I like going to the beach because I can get wet in the sea. All in all, I like Australia.

    [1] Editor’s Note: Mara is the sister in question.

  • Year of Four Schools

    In the past we’ve gone to some lengths to keep the children at the same school, mostly for stability while other things changed. However, circumstances change and now, with the children stretching across age group boundaries, we find ourselves with children going to four different schools this academic year.

    Bryna and Ariana are in the first and fifth grades respectively at the local elementary (primary, GrΓΌndschule) school. Bryna’s reading has come along in leaps and bounds over the summer and she is enthusiastically reading everything she can get her hands on. Ariana will continue to do well in all areas I’m sure as last year’s report card was very good.

    Mara has just begun her second, and final, year at the middle school, also called junior high school. She has virtually all the same teachers that Elijah had last year and Joshua had the year before that. Hopefully the teachers won’t suffer from Glass burnout. One of her favourite subjects is Honors Choir. Given my Australian education history, I’ve always thought of choir as an extra-curricular activity rather than an actual subject but they have a different point of view here.

    Elijah, meanwhile, will be going to high school proper. It’s a big school (around 4000 students I believe) but seems to have decent teachers and a reasonable curriculum. He is looking forward to the sporting aspects and has intentions on trying out for the track team. I don’t think he’ll find the academic side too taxing, though he’ll still need to put in a consistent effort.

    Finally, Joshua will be attending another high school — after his first (freshman) year at the high school Elijah will be attending — that is much smaller (around 400-500 students) and is located on the same campus as a community college. This high school, known as a middle college high school, allows and, in fact, encourages the students to take college courses in place of high school subjects. The student then receives a double credit both towards their high school completion and towards actual college. For high school, because it is equivalent or above the high school subject requirement and for college because, well it actually is a college course. This way a student who applies themselves and takes a fair few college courses can complete a two-year Associate’s degree, which can then transfer as the first two years of four year Bachelor’s degree — at least here in the US. We think the school and the academic challenges will suit Joshua well. The main motivation, however, for having Joshua attend there and take as many college courses as possible is to help his standing should we move back to Australia before he has completed high school. Essentially, we’d like him to be as close to an Australian or German standard as possible and that should keep his options open as to where he might attend university — be that Australia, here in the US or even back in Germany.

    So lots of running around, I expect, and keeping on top of the information that’ll come from all the schools will require some diligence. But all over I believe it should be an interesting academic year.

  • Micah’s First

    Amazingly, one year has passed since we welcomed Micah into the family. And while the year has appeared to fly by it’s easy to see how long it really is by looking at the progress Micah has made. Apart from having his older brothers and sisters (usually) at his beck and call, he has also charmed quite a few friends of the family. Probably something about those blue eyes and easy grin …

    So we celebrated his successful completion of his first year on the planet with the usual gift-giving and a family dinner, the menu being a favourite of the celebratee. Gifts included a ride-on car — he has very strong legs — and a mini basketball. He loves to throw the ball and chase it. A fairly good arm too.

    Micah is quite a fan of moving places fast — so we thought he should have a new set of wheels.

    The menu was chosen by Gaynor which she based on careful observation of the speed with which he wolfed down certain foods. Consequently, we enjoyed a lovely dinner of chicken drumsticks and corn on the cob. Of course, Gaynor’s now-traditional, Year One Gateaux was a particular treat.

    Too busy with a drumstick to blow out your own candles? You need Family Helpers(TM)!

  • Summer Holiday 2009

    One of the ironic exchanges made for us when moving to the US from Europe was the vast improvement in weather coupled with a vast reduction in work holidays in which to enjoy said weather. So it was with a fair bit of anticipation that we organised a couple of weeks away.

    There had been an intention to make it all the way up the west coast to Vancouver and renew our entry visas. In the end, a lack of available appointments at the US Consulate in Vancouver meant that the focus of the trip shifted to relaxing with a bit of sightseeing. Northern California was still on the radar starting with a few days — including the Fourth of July — with some good friends in San Jose. During those days we made our second trip into San Francisco with Gaynor desperate to hunt down some `decent Chinese food’. Apart from the House of Nanking, sights included Coit Tower and rides on the cable car. The cable car was fun but seems mostly for tourists as the waits to get on were fairly lengthy.

    The owners of some cute backsides look over San Francisco Bay from near Coit Tower

    Gaynor gets some satisfaction.

    We also enjoyed a little time down at Santa Cruz

    So after the hospitality of San Jose we headed north-west to camp and relax. Basically days of doing nothing but eating, sleeping, reading, talking and running amok. We did rouse ourselves for a day trip into Sacramento — nice but a return visit probably isn’t necessary — and another day in Yosemite National Park — popular, spectacular and well worth going back!

    The trip back through the San Joaquin Valley was a bit warm, especially without air conditioning in the van. I believe the high was 41C (106F) and the children coped with it very well using cooler packs and spray bottles to keep themselves from over-heating. Micah was a pretty fair traveller and we arrived home just on his first birthday.

    Strolling through the gardens of the Capitol Building in Sacramento

    Mara is speechless at the spectacular scenery.

    Panorama of Yosemite Valley taken on our way out of the park.

    More photos from this trip on Flickr.

  • Father’s Day 2009

    Father’s Day is quite the event in the US and the third date on which we have celebrated it[1]. It’s almost as big as Mother’s Day and very similar in many ways — breakfast in bed, children shower you with presents and adoration and generally have a bit of a bludge. Ariana is usually the one who insists on providing the breakfast in bed and made me a couple of things with an Australian theme, Vegemite on toast and a glass of cold Milo[2]. The presents were a bit light on the further you went up the child tree but Micah, with the help of his mother, complemented the Australian breakfast with Nanny’s favourite stand-by present, a packet of Iced Vo-Vos. And Bryna presented a lovely photo of herself, courtesy of her kindergarten teacher. Ariana and Mara also made a pair of thoughtful cards. Actually, they usually are a pair of cards those two but this time they constructed some as well.

    The children gave me a bit of time-off to rest during the afternoon and by evening Gaynor had even managed to coax, not exactly adoration, but certainly a positive comment from Joshua.

    [1] Australia: First Sunday in September.
    Germany: Ascension Day. Actually, it slipped by, forgotten, one year and wasn’t much of a deal the other years. Here’s why.
    USA: Third Sunday in June.

    [2] Spoils of Gaynor’s recent journey back to Oz.

  • Summer Holiday Plans 2009

    After saving up my holiday time from work we are thinking about a couple of weeks away. Specifically, a trip to Vancouver, BC, Canada to renew our US visas and a trip to a campground in northern California where we intend to do pretty much nothing for as long as we can get away with it. Perhaps somewhere near Yosemite or Lassen National Forest with a couple of day trips to see the sights. So, glaciers and geysers in one holiday. What’s not to like? πŸ™‚